Delta4 Insight
Delta4 Insight
Verify the accuracy of your treatment plans
Delta4 Insight is a high-standard Monte Carlo-based Secondary Dose Calculation software that ensures the dose you’ve planned for your patient is correct in all clinical situations. Seamlessly integrated with the Delta4 software, it verifies the accuracy and quality of your plans with a fast and accurate fully automated process, achieving an accuracy of 1%/1mm.
With customizable protocols, flexible commissioning, and the ability to use golden data or your own, Delta4 Insight answers the vital questions about your treatment plans accuracy, all while saving you time and effort. Don’t risk compromising the quality of your entire treatment chain – trust Delta4 Insight for accurate plan verification.
1 Independent verification: Delta4 Insight provides an independent dose calculation to ensure the accuracy of treatment plans, giving you peace of mind in all clinical situations.
2 Monte Carlo-based dose calculation: Delta4 Insight uses a state-of-the-art Monte Carlo engine for precise dose calculation with an accuracy of 1%/1mm, considered the gold standard in radiotherapy.
3 Fully automated and integrated: Delta4 Insight seamlessly integrates with the Delta4 software, providing instant results and saving you time and effort.
4 Flexible commissioning and customization: Delta4 Insight offers flexible commissioning and customization options, allowing you to adapt to specific objectives and fulfill regulatory requirements.
5 Easy workflow and comprehensive patient QA: Delta4 Insight comes with intuitive analysis tools and provides a full overview of each patient treatment, giving you total control from prescription to final fraction in an efficient way.